For Corporations

The Empowerment Agency partners with wellness teams, employee resource groups, human resource departments, Office of Inclusion and/or DEI teams to provide program development, educational programming, facilitated discussions, sensitivity training and other programming to promote wellness, inclusivity, awareness, and compassion within the workplace. Programming is provided onsite or virtually to meet the complex needs of organizations. We also offer a crisis response for critical incidents or current events impacting employee’s morale and ability to perform. Sites who receive support report high employee satisfaction with organizational response, decrease in stress response among employees who engage, and higher reports of employees feeling supported by employer. In addition, employees report feeling a decrease in stress, more prepared to manage their challenges, an increase of awareness of resources available within the company or in the community, more equipped with tools related to navigating challenging situations and more prepared to engage in selfcare.


-       Wellbeing Facilitated Discussion

-       Critical Incident Stress Management Debriefing

-       Customized  Trainings and Workshops Webinar

-       Consultation and Program Development

Example of clinical consultation for corporations or government entities:

 1)    There is an employee related issue where behavioral health may be a factor in the incident such as domestic violence, suicide, suspicion of or known mental health concerns, coping with stress management, traumatic exposure (direct or secondary/vicarious), burnout, etc.


Services may be provided in efforts focused on prevention and post-vention.